Large Private Equity backed Real Estate Investment Fund in Asia

Automation of GRESB reporting, Analytics and collection of monthly utility data from multiple real estate assets located in cities across Asia


One of Asia’s largest alternative investment management firms managing a diverse array of funds in private equity, real estate and absolute return strategies. With more than US$20 billion in funds under management, their deep expertise and on the ground presence in key markets across Asia provides them with access to proprietary deals and the flexibility to create innovative financing solutions across the investment spectrum.


FutureMax recommend our Partner, GOBY, to provide this client with their world class SaaS solution for the annual GRESB data gathering and reporting and analysis tools. After several years of running their GRESB reporting in-house the client found additional building improvements to drive increased GRESB scores getting hard to find. The GOBY solution will focus on providing mutlti-year on-going improvement recommendations to the asset’s performance for a managed improvement plan and the opportunity for long-term improvement of the client’s cost of capital for future fund growth.



The client is expected to reduce the energy consumption of the assets included in the program by up to 4% simply through the automation and analytics of the utility data by identifying opportunities to improve building energy performance. Additionally and more importantly, the client’s real estate professionals who had been supporting this process previously will now be able to spending more time pursing much higher value activities and job satisfaction for deal identification and closing.