Medium Sized, US-Based Global Chemical Company

VOC Project with Paul Beddie


The company is a diversified US technology and manufacturing company developing highly reliable adhesives, coatings, motion management devices, and sensing technologies that significantly reduce risk and improve product performance. For more than 90 years, the company has worked in collaboration with their customers to provide innovative oil and gas, aerospace, defense, automotive and industrial solutions. The company was a client of Isity Global, a company founded and run by Paul, at the time of this project. He continues to maintain a close relationship with the company’s Asia management.


The client was under government pressure to eliminate fugitive VOC emissions from chemical process equipment in a very short time. The local government environmental authority was considering financial penalties or worse if a solution, to be determined by our client, was not implemented immediately.

The team was very responsive under a tight deadline to prepare and execute a plan that reduced our chemical plant VOC emissions by more than 90%. We were very pleased with the professional service provided by the team. We know who to turn to the next time to improve the working environment of our employees.

Project Executive Sponsor


A custom set of interventions including VOC monitoring, physical barriers and reconfigured exhaust ducting. Several rounds of design during a shortened testing phase ensured the maximum benefit at minimal cost and implementation time for the client.

Photo of Client's Plant


  • Average 93% reduction in fugitive VOCs achieved in less than three months
  • Quickly identify a specialized provider and source a solution that other leading global engineering firms were not
  • Custom designed temporary enclosures intended to last only until new production equipment can be installed in 2019
  • Low cost solution relies on modifying existing exhaust and VOC remediation system